Medicaid Application Attorneys on Long Island
Committed to Providing the Counsel You Need
Applying for Medicaid is quite complex, with many people likening it to putting together a puzzle with ever-changing pieces. Every time the government changes a rule or requirement, you receive a new piece of the puzzle, and getting them to fit together can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, a single mistake can lead to a denial, forcing you to start the process over again. You can’t afford mistakes, so consult with a Long Island Medicaid application attorney. Our firm stays on top of changes to the laws.
Instead of worrying about making a mistake, contact our firm at (631) 519-9831 for a consultation. Schneider, Garrastegui & Fedele PLLC is here to help however we can.
Medicaid Application Services
Our lawyers can help you qualify for and apply for the program.
With our help, you can:
- Engage in Medicaid planning
- Take steps to protect your spouse
- Apply for the program
- Appeal a denial, if applicable
Our firm strives to make the process as easy as possible for our clients. The law might be complex, but we explain it in an easy-to-understand way and will navigate the hurdles for you. Reach out today to learn more about applying for Medicaid for long-term care.
The Application Process
When you first looked into applying for Medicaid, you probably thought you’d need to fill out a straightforward application, then you would submit it and get approved. However, you’re required to provide numerous supporting documents when applying. This includes financial account statements, a letter from the Social Security Administration, an income verification letter, tax forms, and so much more. In some cases, you might even have to provide canceled checks.
Your Medicaid application lawyer will review all the necessary documents and help you get everything in order. You can then provide everything necessary with the application, reducing the risk of a denial. You’ll also discover that you’ll feel less stressed when you obtain legal help.
What If Your Application Is Denied?
If Medicaid denies your application, you might think that all hope is lost. However, our Medicaid application lawyer on Long Island can take action to help you get approved. First, your attorney will review the reason for the denial. If you should have been approved but were denied, the lawyer can request a reversal or appeal the decision.
However, if you were denied because you don’t meet eligibility requirements, your attorney will need to take a different approach. Your lawyer can help you take the steps needed to become eligible for Medicaid. Then, you can apply once again.
Look-Back Period for Medicaid
Your lawyer will review your assets, including those transferred out of the estate during the look-back period. Medicaid’s look-back period is 60 months for nursing home care. That means that anything transferred out of your estate within the last 60 months still counts toward your assets. If you don’t meet the eligibility requirements, your attorney can help you with Medicaid planning. Your lawyer can complete the application once you qualify.
Types of Long-Term Care with Medicaid
When you go to a Long Island Medicaid application lawyer, they will ask which type of assistance you need. If you’re unsure, your lawyer will go over both, including the specific eligibility requirements. Many seniors require Medicaid nursing home care. However, you might want to obtain Medicaid home care, also known as community care. This coverage will make it easier to pay for at-home care, and you might be eligible for an adult daycare program.
Contact SGF Law today to learn more about your options.
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